
Task definition for the outofdate task. This is an extension of uptodate which allows multible targets and contains an embedded <parallel> or <sequential> element. If any of the target file's dates are earlier than any of the source file's dates, then the specified <parallel> or <sequential> block is executed. The task may also contain mappers to map source files to corresponding target files.






The name of the property to set to the contents of the value parameter if any of the target files are out of date



The value to set the property specified by the parameter property to, if any of the target files are out of date

No, defaults to "true"

force Force outofdate ("true"/"false"). Default is "false". No
verbose Set vebose logging level for this task ("true"/"false"). Default is "false". No


The name of a property to set containing the sources that are newer that their corresponding targets.



The name of a property to set containing the targets that are outofDate with respect to their corresponding sources.



The name of a property to set containing all the targets. This is usefull for debugging mapper nested elements.



The separator used to separate the files in the properties above. If a filename contains the separator, double quotes will be placed aroudnd the filename.

No, defaults to “ “


The id of a path to create containing the source files that are outofdate.



The id of a path to create containing the target files that need to be updated.



The id of a path to create containing all the target files.


Attributes specified as nested elements

sourcefiles - The list of files which are source files. This element is required.

targetfiles - The list of files which are target files.

Both of these nested elements are Path elements which are are used to select sets or lists of files or directories

The sourcefiles may contain no files. In this case, outofdate will check the existance of the targetfiles.

mapper – This is used to map source files to target files.

As well as the regular attributes for mapper, there is a extra attribute to specify the relative directory of the sources.

Attribute Description Required
dir The directory to the sources are relative to for the mapper. Default is ${base.dir}. No

There may be a number of mapper nested elements.

deletetargets – This is used to delete targets if the corresponding sources are outofdate.

Attribute Description Required
all Whether to delete all the targets ("true"/"false"). Defaults to "false". No
quiet Do not display diagnostic messages when deleting targets ("true"/ "false"). Defaults to false. When set to "true", if a file or directory cannot be deleted, no error is reported. This setting emulates the -f option to the Unix rm command. Default is "false". Setting this to "true" implies setting failonerror to "false" No
failonerror Controls whether an error (such as a failure to delete a file) stops the build or is merely reported to the screen. Only relevant if quiet is "false". Default is "true". Controls whether a failure to delete a target stops the build or is merely reported to the screen. No


The following example creates the file ${jrun.file} if is older that build.xml, or any file in ${lib.dir}.

            <pathelement path="build.xml"/>
            <fileset dir="${lib.dir}"/>
          <targetfiles path="${jrun.file}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.bin.dir}"/>
            <echo file="${jrun.file}" message="java -cp ${jrun.path} $*"/>
            <chmod file="${jrun.file}" perm="ugo+rx"/>

The following example check the generated files, MODULE.IDS, acme_agent_mib.h, acme_agent_mib.cpp are older that miblist.txt, or any file in ${mib.src}, and if so an embedded shellScript is invoked to update the files.

            <pathelement path="${agent.src}/miblist.txt"/>
            <fileset dir="${mib.src}"/>
            <pathelement path="${rep}/MODULE.IDS"/>
            <pathelement path="${gen-agent}/acme_agent_mib.h"/>
            <pathelement path="${gen-agent}/acme_agent_mib.cpp"/>
            <shellscript shell="bash" dir="${agent.src}">
                    ag() {
                        java -cp ${lib.dir}/agentgen.jar $classname ${rep} $@
                    ag initialize
                    ag load miblist.txt
                    ag generate ACME-AGENT-MIB h > $h1
                    (head -16 $h1; echo "using namespace Agentpp;";
                    tail +16 $h1) > ${gen-agent}/acme_agent_mib.h
                    ag generate ACME-AGENT-MIB c >\

The following example sets the project manual.outofdate if any of the xml files are newer than index.html, or if any of the xml files are newer than their corresponding .html file. A path identified by sources.path, is created which contains the sources that fullfilled these conditions.

    <outofdate property="manual.outofdate" outputsourcespath="sources.path">
        <fileset dir="${src.manual}" includes="**/*.xml"/>
      <targetfiles path="${doc.manual}/index.html"/>
      <mapper type="glob" dir="${src.manual}" from="*.xml" to="${doc.manual}/*.html"/>

The following assumes that there is a program called gengrammer that takes a grammer file as an input and generates a .h and a .c file in the current directory.

  <outofdate property="manual.outofdate"
      <fileset dir="${src.grammer}" includes="**/*.y"/>
    <mapper type="glob" dir="${src.grammer}" from="*.y" to="${gen.grammer}/*.c"/>
    <mapper type="glob" dir="${src.grammer}" from="*.y" to="${gen.grammer}/*.h"/>
      <shellscript shell="bash">
        cd ${gen.grammer}
        for g in ${grammer.sources}
            gengrammer $g

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