Ant-Contrib Server Tasks

The following tasks exist for running Ant server on one machine, and calling that server from another (or possibly the same) machine, to execute tasks.


Starts an ANT server in current process. This server will wait for client connections, and when received, it will execute the commands that the client has sent. NOTE: This is a blocking call, and this task will not return until someone sends the server a shutdown command.


Attribute Description Required
port The port on which the server will listen. No. Defaults to 17000


        <antserver port="12345" />


Sends command requests to a running instance of an AntServer which was started using the <antserver> task. These commands are executed in the space of the server, and therefore have no access to any variables or references in the currently executing project.


Attribute Description Required
machine The machine name on which the server is running. No. Defaults to "localhost"
port The port on which the server is listening. No. Defaults to 17000
persistant Should we execute all commands, regardless of whether or not one of them fails. If false, as soon as a failure is encountered, we will stop execution. No. Defaults to false
failonerror If any of the sent commands encounters a build failure on the server, should we fail this task. No. Defaults to true.

Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

The commands to send are represented as nested elements as described below


Runs a target which is contained in the same buildfile where the <antserver> task was called. This element may contain nested <property> elements for sending parameters to the target, and nested <reference> elements for sending references to the target.


Attribute Description Required
target The name of the target to run. Yes.


Runs a target in an arbitrary buildfile on the machine where the <antserver> task was called. If a relative pathname is given, then the path of the buildfile is relative to the base directory of the project where the <antserver> task was called. This element may contain nested <property> elements for sending text parameters to the target, and nested <reference> elements for sending references to the target.


Attribute Description Required
antfile The path of the ant file to run (if relative, then the filename is computed relative to the buildfile of the server task's base directory No. Defaults to "build.xml" in the directory where the buildfile is to execute (specified by the dir attribute)
target The name of the target to run. No. Defaults to the default target of the specified antfile.
dir the directory to use as a basedir for the new Ant project. Defaults to the server project's basedir, unless inheritall has been set to false, in which case it doesn't have a default value. This will override the basedir setting of the called project. No.
inheritall Should the target task inherit all of the server's properties. This is equivalent to the flag of the same name on the <ant> task. No. Defaults to false
inheritrefs Should the target task inherit all of the server's references. This is equivalent to the flag of the same name on the <ant> task. No. Defaults to false


Instructs the <antserver> task to shut itself down. Control will return to the ANT engine and will procede as necessary in the server's buildfile.


        <remoteant machine="localhost" port="12345">
            <runtarget target="">
               <property name="build.type" value="full" />
            <runant dir="tests" target="build.tests">
               <property name="build.type" value="full" />
               <reference refid="my.ref" torefid="inherited.ref" />

would be the equivalent of running the following directly on the server machine, from within the same buildfile where the <antserver> task was run

        <antcall target="">
           <param name="build.type" value="full" />
        <ant dir="tests">
           <property name="build.type" value="full" />
           <reference refid="my.ref" torefid="inherited.ref" />


Sends a file from the client to the server


Attribute Description Required
file The path of the file to send. Yes.
tofile The filename where the file is to be stored on the server, if a relative path, then it is stored relative to the server project's base directory. No. If todir is specified
tofile The directory where the file is to be stored on the server, if a relative path, then it is stored relative to the server project's base directory. The name of the file will be the same name as the source file No. If tofile is specified

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